All Hallows’ Eve

All Hallows’ Eve

“…and moonlight spilling o’er shadowed bats’ wings, these are a few of my favorite things…”

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?

What’s my favorite holiday? Easily Halloween.

I’ve never missed a one, as far as costuming, etc. Some years, I’ve done as many as 3 costumes in one year, different looks on different days, or else just playing dress-up for pics in addition to a look I actually wore out and about.

This past Halloween, I made up a concept: Fyra, popstar who had sold her soul for fame. I even had a lil demonic manager, represented by a Squishables Baphomet. That’s “Fyra” holding the mic.

The cutout dress and black and purple cape and lace mask was my The Witcher-adjacent sorceress costume from the year before.

Still tossing about ideas for this year, though I may wear my Dream t-shirt and go as Dream from the Endless, but female. I’d need a spiky black wig. Definitely not dyeing my hair black again just for Halloween lol… and I saw where you can order Dream’s helm all OVER the internet. We will see.

I made a pretty epic Halloween collage for my FB profile cover image last year, including many selfies of me on Halloweens gone by, and some Halloweenish art of mine. But it also had some images included in the mix that aren’t mine and aren’t all public domain, if memory serves. And I know WordPress is picky about that kind of thing.

HOWEVER… I did take these…first up, something cool I saw at Michael’s last year, and second, a skull charcuterie board I made the year before:

What do I love about it?

The hint of ooky-spooky, the dash of childlike wonder, the candy, the weather (when it isn’t snowing… I like fall, but early winter not so much)… the MUSIC… the vibes… costuming…creativity. It ticks off a lot of boxes of things that I enjoy. And I generally try to at minimum draw some Tarot cards that night, if nothing else on the spiritual spectrum, beyond just celebrating the day.

I have at least four Halloween playlists that I made myself and others that I listen to regularly, even when it’s nowhere near Spooky Season. Because who defines when you get to be spooky? Spring-o-ween is upon us! LOL!

Okay, two more pics, and I will call this post done. These are two things I created for Halloweird, back when Misha Collins was still running GISH and did a bonus one you could do by yourself or with friends around Halloween. The first is a drawing of a cat from one of his poems from the book some things i still can’t tell you; the second is a fake missing werewolf poster, the QR code for which directs you to a wolf conservation site.

Happy Haunting!!!

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A gratitude blog to boost positivity

